
 Dr. Krista Marie's Story

Why am I in this lovely gown? I just underwent myomectomy surgery to remove fibroids that have been causing your girl some problems. I was diagnosed with fibroids about 2 years ago and over the past year, they’ve continued to grow. The largest one (about the size of a grapefruit and bigger than my uterus 😩) grew so much that I was experiencing worsening pelvic pain, bloating, frequent urination and heavy periods. These symptoms began to affect my day to day life and I had to do something about it .⁣⁣
Surgery went well 🙌🏾 (currently post op day 2) but right now I’m incredibly sore & tender, kind of like I did 1,738,495 sit-ups. My stomach is also pretty swollen. Recovery will take a few weeks but I’m so glad it’s over now.⁣⁣
1 in 3 women will develop fibroids in their lifetime but fibroids are 3 times more common in African American women. We don’t talk about it as much as we should so I’m talking about it here. It’s important to remember that not all fibroids cause issues but if they do, you don’t have to suffer in silence. ⁣⁣
My sisters, I encourage you to please advocate for yourself. You know your body better than anyone else. Bring up concerns and symptoms with your doctor. Ask questions. Understand your treatment options. If you feel as though your concerns are not being taken seriously or you don’t feel satisfied with what you’ve been told, it’s okay to get a second and third opinion. You have to pick the doctor and treatment options that are best for you and your situation.⁣⁣
This experience has been incredibly eye opening on many levels for me as both a physician and patient. My hope is that by sharing my story, it encourages another woman going through this to take action while knowing she’s not alone.⁣⁣